Syllabus Week

Welcome to Collegestud101,


Life happens in chapters. Kindergarten, elementary school, high school, first job, marriage, having children etc. College is also one of them. You often hear, college will be the best 4 years of your life. To be honest, this is stuff most average people say, yet don’t get me wrong college is one hell of a time.


To make sure you get the most out of your 4 years academically and socially and set yourself up for many great years and decades to come, I’m glad you have found this blog. Now at this point many guys like to establish their credibility to why they are able to help you. The truth is, no one can help you do anything. In our world, no one can force you to wake up, or make you focus 100 percent while you take that test or help you talk to that cute girl at the bar or party. At the end of the day it’s you who has to take the ACTION regardless of what you have been told.


You have to put whatever knowledge you gained to use, and conduct your own experiences. The ball is in your hands to be active and create your life. At first this may sound scary, but in no time, you will be enthusiastic about being the captain of your fate. I cannot help you do the things you want to, but I will give you tools which will allow you to help yourself to become the person you want to be and find solutions quicker.


There is a ton of information out there, on how to make it through college or freshman year. Yet that information isn´t really about things like networking to succeed later in life, finding your passion, partying as hard as possible while not picking up bad habits that will haunt you after college, getting as physically fit as possible and getting laid as much as possible aka the things most boys care about. So, if the topics mentioned above are something you care about then you are in the right spot.


That’s a wrap for syllabus week, stay tuned for kick-ass information and leave a comment telling us what you would like to learn about!




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